With the evolution of the internet, earning extra income at home is now easier than ever. With people coming up with ever more creative ways to get their voice heard, and with more options than ever, why not consider some of the below methods.
Go through your items in storage
A good place to start is usually by going through your old items you’ve stored away in your attic and closets and determining what you need, what you no longer require and more importantly, what has resalable value. You should then look at the best places to sell your items.
It’s now easier than ever to sell online and platforms such as eBay, and even Facebook’s own Marketplace are great ways of reaching a large audience. You could be surprised at what price you get for your old items such as smartphones which you’ve since upgraded.
Sell old furniture
Once you’ve gone through your old items, you should also consider any old furniture that you might be thinking of getting rid of. For example, if you’re in the market for new sofas, instead of disposing of your old ones, why not put them on a site like GumTree to see if
there’s any interest. It could be an effective way of reducing the cost of your new items.
Start a social media channel
If there’s a topic you are passionate about and have great knowledge of, then setting up a social channel such as Instagram or Twitter could be an interesting way for you to pick up some income whilst doing something you enjoy. It’s usually really quick to set up and create the content for so it could be a good option for you.
All you need is an original idea such as personalized face masks then try and spread the word as best you can in the hope that your idea goes viral. To help with set up costs you could always consider applying for a short term loan.
Of course, gaining an income isn’t guaranteed and if you are lucky enough to eventually earn from it, it’ll usually take a while for you to gain enough traction to start making a significant sum and you might even find that brands approach you to endorse you.
Online surveys
Completing online surveys can be a great way of topping up your finances. Websites such as i-Say offer vouchers for top high-street brands such as Amazon. It can take a little time to collect enough points but if you have the spare time available, then this could be just the method you’re after.
With some thought, hard-work and commitment, it’s possible to earn a little extra cash at home whilst shuffling looking after the kids or your full time job. You’re also not limited to one of the options above – if you have time then why not combine a couple of them to earn even more!
Although the above may help some, it might not be sufficient to cover your immediate emergency expenses. Therefore, credit options such as payday loans could be an effective method for you providing you’ll be able to comfortably pay this back in time.